Procrastination Strikes Again
Here it is Thursday and my non-Friday post is yet to be written much less published across cyber space. I can only blame myself. I have plenty to write about and really don’t feel like I have writer’s block. Instead, this week I resemble the lady in this You Tube video on Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder. Click here to watch.
Long List of Things To-Do

My list of projects seems unending. Spring has arrived. On the high plains spring is beautiful but all too short. The flies and the mosquitoes have not hatched so outdoor eating is delightful. We still have a danger of frost through Mother’s Day but cool weather crops can and have been started. Plus the garlic and onion sets planted last fall are maturing.
But there is also plenty of weeding and pruning on the to-do list. Plus our town hosts a clean-up weekend each spring. Volunteers, including students at the local community college, go around every street and remove yard debris, unwanted broken furniture, appliances and other cast-offs. This occurs next week, so that to-do has to be done.
Curtain To-Do List
The curtains still need to be made for the kitchen and breakfast room. But I have run into a snag. I normally work with cotton fabric. So I am having trouble adjusting to the knit I want to use for the drapes above the window. I like the effect of the soft material hanging from the rod.
Of course, much like the video above, I had to stop on making the drapes and curtains since I needed new rods. Living in such a small town, rods fitting my needs are not available. For those online shoppers reading this, I could not easily order online because the space between the window edge and the corner wall is only an inch and a half.
So the curtains were put off and thus no post on the kitchen redo-yet. Last week’s trip to Florida gave me an opportunity to physically see and measure the finials on new rods. On my way to the airport, a 200 mile drive, I stopped at a big box store and found some hardware that will work.
But, my drill is too big for the space. Now I need to stop and find a small hand-held one. I know I have one somewhere. Plus I need to find the charger. Yes I resemble the above video.
Miscellaneous To-Do List
I procrastinated 24-hours in contacting the powers that be at Miss USA. I want to interview one of their contestants for this blog. But first I need permission. I hope to hear back today. She is a small town girl from around these parts and has made the transition to life in the city. No small feat.
For those of you in the city, imagine growing up in a town so small that THERE ARE NO STOPLIGHTS! Now imagine this young lady competing in the Miss USA pageant. Dreams can come true.
Also on my to-do list is to get things organized enough in hopes of throwing a Kentucky Derby party. It is time to break out the mint julep recipe and find a Derby Hat. Plus, I picked up a horse based novel to read and review.
As a Christian, I celebrate the religious holiday of Easter. I am writing this on Maundy Thursday. This day commemorates the Last Supper. Since I am an alumnus of Albertus Magnus College, I have fond memories of Easter week. Not only was it a second spring break, but the campus truly rejoiced in the renewal.
This year I will not travel for the Easter feast. A relative in town is the hostess. So I am delighting in the fact I can stay home. My task is simple. Bring the pea salad and the rolls. One of the roll recipes is for soft gluten-free dinner rolls. I will share this on Saturday. If you are interested, the hardest to find ingredient is xanthan gum. The two flours used are rice and almond.
Plethora of Posts
The next month or so will bring a plethora of posts. In addition to writing about the Kentucky Derby party and the Miss USA contest there will be recipes, book reviews and garden tips. Unlike this week, I plan to spread out the information throughout the week. So look for posts on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at least through June.
My apologies to those of you on my email list who will receive messages three days in a row. I know that can be annoying. But the only time back-to back messages should come out this summer will be the end of the month wrap-ups.
Good luck to all of you with to-do lists. Remember, the word “no” can be used by those of us over the age of two. Happy Easter to all those who celebrate the season.