June 2024 Wrap-Up
In the Garden

While June 2024 yielded many positives such as a bumper crop of cherries, the overwhelming takeaway was one of early summer heat. Multiple days of triple digit temperatures. Quite unpleasant when coupled with winds from the southwest, near or above 20 m.p.h. and the heart (and heat) of the summer is still to come. I sure hope we don’t break the all-time high this year.
Naturally, the heat means the salad greens in the garden are bolting. A few heads of lettuce will be left alone in order to produce seed. Then, the saved seed will be collected and saved for next year’s planting. I have great success with saved seeds of salad greens.
The tomatoes are producing many fruits, and the cucumbers are loaded with flowers. Melons are beginning to form. However, the garden is not receiving much rain, so the drip lines are hard at work. And the star of the June 2024 Garden, is the old cherry tree. A bumper crop from the nearly thirty-year old tree was unexpected. The late winter snows provided the perfect amount of moisture.
From Garden to Kitchen Table in June 2024
In addition to having plenty of greens for salads this month, the garden produced two batches of cherry jam, multiple quarts of cherries frozen for future use, a cherry pie and delicious low-sugar zucchini oatmeal muffins. Of course, cherries also topped oatmeal in the mornings and ice cream in the evenings. The best thing about a home garden is the freshness of the food. And the knowledge of no pesticides in our homegrown food.
Travel in June 2024
Weekend trips to Wyoming and the mountains of Colorado provided relief from the heat. Wyoming is a sparsely populated state and has much to offer. It will be interesting to see if the fairly recent discovery of the rare earth minerals needed to make computer chips changes the demographics.
I am torn about the discovery. It is good to not depend on outside sources for these important manufacturing materials. But the mining process is usually in the form of strip mining. Reclamation of the land after mining is difficult. Our reliance on computers is definitely a two-edged sword.
In the Library
The book reviews are approaching a more normal state. In fact, for the first time in a while, multiple reviews are waiting their turn to be published and at least one more remains unwritten. After a stretch of not liking many books, I have found a plethora of novels I find enjoyable as well as moving and motivational. A person’s mind frame definitely impacts happiness and so much more.
Politics in America- June 2024
Back in 2016, Chuck Lorre, one of the brains behind the Big Bang Theory posted one two syllable word on a “vanity” card following the national election. A simple “Uh-Oh.” I wonder what he would post after the recent debate between the current and former Presidents. I have faith in a system that has lasted almost 250 years and yet this election cycle wants to test that faith once again. So, I will continue to read, watch and educate myself about the political issues at hand. And I will vote in November.
Nine Bark

Deer Strolling at Dusk