Unexpected Death
Unexpected Death
Death comes quickly when unexpected.
It drops suddenly day or night.
No warnings. Just action. Stealth.
It doesn’t seem right.
Easier on the recipient,
Harder on those left behind.
Unexpected Death.
Life is over in a moment.
Too quick for reflection?
Perhaps, and hard to know.
Suffering, little or none.
The mystery of life remains.
Natural death is not chosen.
Unexpected Death just occurs.
Grief follows shock
With each passing day
The pain reverberates,
not going away.
Unexpected Death
Each one a stressful act
For those left behind.
Weary of the mounting losses
Those still living
Must continue on.
Life means doing and being.
Seeking the joy in living.
While remembering those passing on.
Unexpected death gives life more meaning.
Everything is fine until suddenly it’s not.
Grief catches one at odd moments-
A memory here or a smell there.
Favorite songs on the car radio.
Triggers are everywhere.
Each one hurts in a different way.
Grief is individual. Grief is collective.
No rhyme or reason, no right or wrong.
But an Unexpected Death
Calls for me to be strong.
A Quick Good-bye
Just last week you called,
Uncomfortable in the single bed.
Advice was asked and given.
The problem so quickly solved
You hastened to take action
With hardly a good-bye.
Since I was relieved by spirits so high,
It hardly mattered that brief good-bye.
Not knowing it would be the last.
Why oh, why, so fast.
Never Ending Love
Fortunate, are those who experience never-ending love.
Mistakes are overlooked. Disappointments forgotten.
Grudges are unheard of.
And forgiveness always has room to spare.
From birth to death-
Fortunate, are those who experience never-ending love.
Memories console and grant inner peace.
Such love gives us strength to carry on.
The gift of such a love is both human and divine.
A Father in Heaven and a father who walked the Earth.
Fortunate, are those who experience never-ending love.
I already miss you. Rest in Peace Dad.