Tag: Ron Corbett

The Sweet Goodbye Book Review

Danny Barrett Series

Ron Corbett writes the Danny Barrett series and The Sweet Goodbye is the 2022 release featuring the undercover man. The setting is the area surrounding the North Woods of Maine. Long forgotten, has-been mill towns and the people struggling to make a living in a changed world. Now, the easiest way to make money is making and distributing illegal drugs. And then laundering the cash.

Danny Barrett is working undercover as a tree marker. A job learned from growing up in Michigan. His knowledge saves him. But will he figure it all out before it is too late?

Good Guys and Bad Guys

It is hard to tell the good from the bad in The Sweet Goodbye. Even harder to define competence among the authorities. A major SNAFU through and through, with a story to touch the heart of the most hardened FBI agents.

Beau Lafontaine is the lead bad guy. Drug runner extraordinaire with his only soft spot, Cousin Pearl, a diner waitress and a key character in the story. Beau is in business with Travis and Tucker Lee. His drug money is laundered through their timber company. Neither brother is stellar in character, one is a glutton and the other a drunk. All become implicated in the murder of a banker.

In The Sweet Goodbye, Pearl is a long-standing mistress of Travis Lee. The relationship of the hard-working waitress and the drunken lawyer dates to their teenage years. And his marriage to Amanda Lee.

Danny Barrett is undercover trying to find evidence to convict the Lee brothers as well as their handler. He answers to two other Feds. Special Agent Paul Linton is ambitious and angling for a management spot in Boston and the legendary FBI agent Jim Flanagan. Complicating the action, the two senior agents are at odds with each other.

The Sting of The Sweet Goodbye

Barrett’s role expands from surveillance to setting up a sting. But everything backfires as bad guys drop like flies. Before long the authorities only have Pearl and Travis to pin all the charges on. Neither seem capable of being a mastermind. But someone needs to pay. After all, the FBI has been building a case for the better part of a year.

Flannagan, Linton and Barrett press each of the lovers to turn on the other. In the end, love conquers all.

Recommendation for The Sweet Goodbye

This murder mystery was anything but cozy. And the ending has a bit of an Agatha Christie type twist. A few things are not spelled out or were missed by this reader. Most notably, how and why Amanda Lee disappears. Yet The Sweet Goodbye is truly a page-turner and I couldn’t put it down, stopping only to eat. Upon finishing, I put it atop my husband’s pile of to be read books, I enjoyed the characters, the plot, the scenery…the everything! Find a copy and enjoy this suspenseful novel.