May 2024 Wrap-Up
May Equals Hawaii Weather
May is one of my favorite months here on the High Plains of the United States and May 2024 is par for the course. We often joke that we are experiencing Hawaii weather. Not too hot and not too cold with afternoon rain showers sprinkled in.
Outdoor chores are once again at the forefront of the schedule. Quilting takes a backseat to pulling weeds, planting annuals and watching the veggies’ flower. Reading is often done on the back porch. And travel is somewhat limited because one loves the weather at home.
Birds, Bees and Butterflies

Sophie the cat is restricted on how much time she spends outdoors. This is prime nesting for the birds both permanent and passing through. Birders find so many varieties to spot in this migration corridor. The hummingbirds return for a few weeks along with the robins and finches. Meanwhile, the grackles and turkeys tolerate the invaders.
Various types of bees are pollinating perennials, annuals and weeds-oops I mean wildflowers. A few giant bumblebees but mostly small honeybees’ flit around the garden. They are joined by a variety of butterflies, yellow, orange and white. The milkweed will bloom soon, so I hope to see monarchs in the mix. Fortunately, the miller moths have not been bad this year.
Plantings Around the Garden in May 2024
We just added one tree this year. Family members gifted me a linden tree as a remembrance to my father. Other plantings include perennials such as Blue Mist Spirea (Caryopteris x clandonensis), Sunset Glow Penstemon (Penstemon pinifolius) and the Daylilly Happy Returns. And plenty of annuals in planters as well as here and there in the beds.
The vegetables planted in late April are thriving. As I discussed in the April 2024 Wrap-Up, I look to my oak tree to know when to plant. Once again, the old bur oak knows when the winter weather is gone. Much more reliable than a calendar!
Each tomato plant has blossoms. As do the melons and cucumbers. And even the potato plants. Perhaps harvest will begin by the Fourth of July. Meanwhile, plenty of fruit is on the cherry trees. I forecast both pies and jam for this year’s harvest.
May 2024 harvest included lettuces, onions and herbs. This is about normal. Lacking a greenhouse, I cannot speed up the harvest any more than I have.
My one disappointment is a lack of peony blooms this year. I am not sure why. So, I will research possibilities and try to take action this fall.
May 2024 In the Library
Reading and reviewing books is picking up again. In addition to binge reading Baldacci and Woods one weekend, I reviewed Willow and The Museum of Lost Quilts. I am about three chapters from finishing Margaret Coel’s Winter’s Child. Somehow, I missed when this final edition to the Wind River series was released. Look for the review next week.
May 2024 Wrap-Up
A trip to Louisville Kentucky commences on the last day of May. Churchill Downs will be much less crowded than the first weekend of the month. But the racing will be just as exciting. Friends and family will join me for a day at the races. Until next month, find happiness each day.