Tag: April 2024 Wrap-Up

April 2024 Wrap-Up

Here and Gone

April 2024 sneaked by like a bandit on a mission. The month was productive in many ways although writing wasn’t one. Life goes on and efforts will be redoubled re: writing and posting. Fortunately, the gardening and quilting provided balance to the business at hand.

Return Trip to Cañon City

Early on in the month was a return trip to Cañon City, Colorado. This southern mountain town is loaded with charm as highlighted last summer in this post. And while I did spend much of my time indoors and in meetings, I also enjoyed a visit to a new to me winery; Bugling Elk Vinyard and Winery. The owners have quite a story and I encourage any readers passing near Penrose, Colorado to stop by and hear it.

Listening to the Oak Tree

The High Plains is notorious for late freezes and April 2024 was ushered in with temperatures in the teens. But my Bur Oak has leafed out. In almost 30 years, this tree popping forth new leaves means spring is here. And frost is banished for the summer. Perhaps this changing climate will trick both me and the oak, however I am ready to gamble. And once before the oak did leaf out in April.

This past weekend I planted my tomatoes and peppers, as well as cantaloupe and many flowers and herbs. Temperatures range from mid-forties to low sixties as lows for the next ten days. So, after a month of harvesting asparagus, I am turning the calendar on the vegetable garden. Most all the future spears will be left to grow into fern bearing stalks and the bulk of the harvest will be romaine lettuce and the early herbs such as chives and parsley. And don’t forget the mint.

A nice patch of mint at the far end of Row 1 in the Big Garden is ready to mash into the bottom of refreshing mint juleps. Currently the mint is competing with some prickly pear cactus to anchor the base of the garden. Both will be kept in check as spread can take over the rows.

April 2024 in the Quilt Room

Two space themed baby quilts are shaping up nicely. I have mixed flannel with cotton which makes things a little tricky to seam together. At times the fabric slips. Once again straight pins come to the rescue. Look for pictures of the completed tops in May.

April 2024 Wrap-Up

Finally, my dad’s house is under contract. Our family is pleased that another family will soon make a wonderful house their home. We will retain many memories while letting go of the brick and mortar.