The April 2021 Wrap-Up signals the month is finally over. The month felt like a year in some respects. A small amount of progress was made on the last of the baby quilts. A tremendous effort yielded enough plants to fill the Big Vegetable Garden. Finally, I made it past my reading block and the writing is starting to come around as well.
Covid-19 Vaccinations
All of my immediate family has opted to vaccinate against the coronavirus. Reactions varied from none to mild. Mostly sore arm muscle at the injection site. This is a common side effect for me.
In my neck of the woods, many have decided not to vaccinate. Unfortunately, the result of a low vaccination rate is a resurgence of the viral outbreak. So, one way or another herd immunity should come about. Personally, I do not know of anyone who contracted the disease twice. But this new outbreak is taking a toll on the younger populations. This is particularly surprising because our students have been in school together since the fall. Thus there has not been an increase in contact and interaction.
Inflation Check Challenge– April 2021 Wrap-Up and Check-In
The comparison prices from the Inflation Check Challenge were quite a mix. Of the fifteen products, nine kept their regular price the same. However, sale prices changed with some showing a slight increase. Two items decreased in price. Bananas dropped four cents a pound. Most likely a seasonal adjustment.
Mysteriously, canning lids dropped in price. Not surprisingly the thirty cent price dropped resulted in an empty shelf. The product was sold out. I have no idea if the price will change again once new product arrives.
My expense for sugar was less because of a coupon, but the regular price remained the same. I love coupons! Both salt and mayonnaise remained on sale, but the sale price adjusted upwards.
The biggest increase was gasoline. It is now $2.79 per gallon. This increase took place in the early part of the quarter. I think the price has stabilized for a while. Here is the list:
Item January 2021 April 2021 Regular Price/Sale Price Regular Price/Sale Price
Planet Oat Extra Creamy Original Oat Milk $ 3.49/$ 3.99 $ 3.99
Small Bag Signature Select Sugar $ 2.99 $1.99/$ 2.99
Signature Select Cream Style Corn $ 0.69 $ 0.79
Fleischmann’s Active Dry Yeast $ 6.99 $ 6.99
Bananas $ 0.59 $ 0.55
Kraft Real Mayo $ 3.79/$ 4.99 $ 3.99/$ 4.99
Meow Mix $ 7.78 $ 7.78
Morton Salt $ 0.94/$ 1.19 $ 0.99/$ 1.19
Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste $ 4.99/$ 5.99 $ 3.99/$ 5.49
Align Probiotics $26.58 $26.58
Tide Botanical Rain Detergent $11.97 $11.97
Kerr Regular Mouth Canning Lids $ 3.18 $ 2.88 Sold Out
3M Ad. Allergy Furnace Filter $15.88 $15.88
Dunkin Donut-Boston Cream $ 0.99 $ 1.09
Regular Unleaded Gas $ 2.36 $ 2.79
Yellow Roses in Honor of Mom